El mesías urbano.


  • Adriaan Geuze
  • Chidi Onwuka

Palabras clave:

identidad, lugar, ciudadanía, branding urbano, consumidor, diseñador urbano, nuevos paisajes, fuerza creativa


The life of city dweller is an infinite series of the journeys among sequences of distinct colours, textures, resonances, events and experiences. The collected memories of these urban wanderings is what he uses to construct and understand the city. Todays city dweller is under pressure, confused and lost. On the one hand, there is a mass exodus. While on the other hand, city planners have become obsessed with urban branding. lnto this near schizophrenic situation leaps the modern urban designer as philosopher, artist, composer, agony aunt, hero, magician and saviour. In his role as philosopher, the urban designers first task is to deal with the inhabitantsdeclared intention to leave town as soon as possible, thus asking whether the place he is headed to is any better than the city he is leaving. As a composer he must combine the different elements that conform the city into a series urban symphonies and soundtracks: anti-monotypic landscapes, physical interpretations rieh in colour and diversity. The urban designer must face up to the citys other horror story: the urban marketing blitz. For this he must put on his heros cape and bring hope in the form of a plan: a landscape bombo When managed as a creative and partiaIly controlled force, it has the power to punch holes in the fabric of the Xerox city, producing spaces that are breeding grounds for fresh experimentation to give the people something different. Different, in this case, can mean unstable, provocative and ugly. Who says the city dwellers still need prettiness and quaint hule spaces in order to be happy? And finally, an essential task for the urban designer is to glorify the citys identity. He does this by injecting challenging environments and objects into all available space, generating new perceptive places that cannot be found elsewhere. The sum total of which becomes the City itself. 





